Wednesday, January 12, 2011

No shows = Greater Appreciation for MIL's

I took all measures to ensure that my patient would make it to her appointment today.  I sent her an email with all the information she needed, including information about where to find a parking pass and a campus map.  I called her the day before and she seemed excited to come.  Then she texted me at 7:50 this morning, having had an emergency, and told me she would have to reschedule.  Oh boy.  Already with this stuff?  Haha.  Well I hope everything was okay with her family.  I will call her later today to see that everything is okay and to reschedule her.  I consider myself very blessed to have back-ups.  Today, I called in my mother in law.  I love Tami.  I had woken her up so it took her an hour to get showered and over to the clinic but I appreciated that she was willing to come.  While I waited for her I helped other students with their patients by recording probing depths, etc.  Emily was super cute and offered to record my patients depths when I was able to reach that point, but unfortunately that time never came.  I had to put together an extensive HHx.  I was pleased with my detail.  I was thorough and confident.  I am getting better at finding pulses!  Hooray!  I took her in for BWX.  I was determined not to get myself worked up, so I kept a cool head and decided to take conventional films.  I need them and Id prefer to take them on BWX patients rather than for a full mouth.  Organizing 40 films sounds like an ABSOLUTE NIGHTMARE.  So, guess what.  I must have lost my touch.  I think there were only 2-3 times ALL LAST SEMESTER that I cone cut my x-ray films and I was a natural with BWX.  Today I did a great job at leaving contacts open but I'm tallying up the conecut images this semester.  What happened?!  Both of my molar shots were cone cut...even on the retakes (although not as much).  I need to repent of this.  I am not going to stand for this!  No way, no how.  My film placement was fantastic...I just need to move the PID closer to the front of her mouth.  Noted.  Good thing that the teeth that were essential to capture in the images were clear.  I was able to perform her extraoral exam but I didnt get any farther than that and OHI.  I am getting more comfortable with explaining OHI in words patients understand...and I dont stumble over choosing my words as much as I used to.  Hooray again!

Compliment to Self:  Continue your good work on charting.  I feel I do fairly well at this. 
For Next Time:  CONE CUT AND other words, no more of that nonsense. 
Note to Self:  Make MIL cookies. 

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