Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Moving right along

Today I was lucky and got to treat a Class III patient.  He had various depths of pockets varying from 3-11mm!  His lateral incisors were positioned directly behind his centrals and cuspids on his maxillary arch.  It took a lot of time and extra careful exploring to make sure I cleared out all of the deposit but in the end I was successful!  I completed three quadrants and missed nothing!  He had third molars (all but one was fully erupted) and Prof Alexander explained that by adjusting my fulcrum just a bit I could reach that buccal surfaces of his maxillary 3rds a whole lot easier.  I was grateful for the help. 

Tender Mercies are fun to see and today I experienced one firsthand.  My afternoon patients cancelled while I was cleaning my morning patient.  During lunch I called people from the resource list and from my planner but noone could come in this afternoon.  I really wanted to utilize my day the best I could.  That is when Kristie dropped by and told me to talk to Mr soloman about scheduling a lady named "sylvia".  She couldnt remember her last name but Mr Soloman thought about it for a second and finally remembered that her name was actually Sonia and I called to see if she was available.  No answer.  Then a lady drops by and wants to talk to MR Soloman and wouldn't you know it...it was HER!  She came in hoping to be seen and I was able to treat her!  That was such a neat experience.

Oh and I need to remind myself to treat Heather McKay to something extra special.  She found me a Mockboard patient for next Tuesday.  Thanks Heather!  You are super sweet and I truly appreciate you. 

Great day.

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