Tuesday, February 21, 2012


I was surprisingly calm when my patient tried to back out of his appointment for today.  I reminded him of the significance of this exam and he agreed to make it work, thank goodness.  Unfortunately, he still came late.  I was planning to take a couple PAs before sending him to the front to meet with the student examiners, but I I had to throw that out the window.  Fortunately, I was able to get through his HHX super quickly and didn't lose any scaling time.  I don't think Maren was as lucky, poor thing!  She was in a similar situation, but her patient never showed.  Stupid undependables.  Anyway, scaling went smoothly, thank heavens!!  No errors, and only a few probe readings that didn't mesh (which is actually quite peculiar for me...usually I'm spot on with probe readings.  Curious.).  I was pleased with the day, overall!  Heather and Ashley, who evaluated my patient pre and post tx commended me for the challenge my patient posed.  I'm really grateful to have increased my skill level.  I've passed all my clinical mockboards and I feel ready for Clinicals...if I manage to find a patient ever!

1 comment:

  1. Good job Tanya! You are going to rock your clinical exams!! It is fun having clinic with you this semester!
