Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Dental Screenings, ouch!

If there is one thing to say Im most fearful about, it would probably be this.  There are some in class who have worked for dentists for years, and that would recognize crowns, restoration materials, etc with no troubles.  It is for this reason that I suspect we spend little time going over this subject, but for me this is foreign.  I am really nervous about my efficacy in charting what is to be found in the mouth pre treatment...not because I dont know the markings, but because Im not sure what Im looking for.  I hope this will come easier with time.  I wish I had more time to study these things out individually when I have a harder time understanding.  I just feel that we are continually being pushed to the next and next thing and that if we allow ourselves to look back at old material, we miss something important in the present.  I wish we had more reflective days.  It would be neat to have a day where we can study a subject that seems more challenging to us...or to practice that thing exclusively in clinic.  Id ever write a short paper to show what I was learning and why that day was important to me.  I dunno. 

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