Wednesday, April 11, 2012


I'm going out with a bang...I have 3 clinic sessions in a row!  I would have had four if I had been able to come to clinic on Friday, but I have a wedding.  Tuesday, I saw Jennifer K-Z  and Marco.  Jennifer was fun...I knew her from my credit union days.  She was cake.  Marco has been a class 3 in the past and the poor soul still has 10mm pockets between his 2nd and 3rd molars, but he presented with marked improvement over the last time I saw him and I was able to complete him in one appt, so I called him a class V.  He was one of my favorite patients so I was glad I was able to finish my WSU clinic days with him as a patient.  Today Im a CA at VA and tomorrow I come to VA for my last clinic day of the semester!  Of ever!  Oh my lan!  I picked up my cap and gown yesterday...crazy!  I am so excited to have reached this time and I'm grateful for the support of those who have encouraged me through the years.  I am stronger and better because of you. 

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